What is SeeSaw?

See Saw - the name is from the playground equipment, when both sides have equal weight its balanced, referencing the balance between the conditions that the players play under and the equality between people who are disabled and those who are able bodied We were in my house, in the conference room, we were discussing our club and how we should name our club, firstly i was thinking of a name for my club, i was having a meeting with the members of my club and then a member from my group, suggested the name see-saw, because the meaning calls to mind balance, like a see-saw the playground equipment, when the two sides are perfectly balanced, they are equal, so the idea is to, since our club promotes equality between those who are diabled and those who are able bodied, since the see-saw is uneven when its not balanced, when both people sitting in the see-saw are equally balanced it becomes still. The logo is blue, in the circle in darker blue there is the shape of a see-sa...