
Showing posts from February, 2025

Fierce Competition and Friendly Camaraderie; the 7th WILL-SEESAW Cup

                 While some may believe that visually impaired individuals are not as physically active in comparison to non-disabled people, the truth is quite the contrary; despite the apparent struggles, they are significantly competitive and find great joy in sports. Therefore, I participated in a Showdown competition, a type of sport conducted with a blindfold on to create a level playing field for everyone. In the beginning, I underestimated the sport; I didn't realize just how confusing, difficult, and frightening an experience with complete blindness felt. I struggled to find the location of the ball, and I often lost control of the ball while attempting to transport it to the optimal position. But while I was not in full control, I heard the plays of the visually impaired players and was mindblown at the skill and work they put in to the sport. I heard their powerful wall crawl attacks; I tracked their hectic dribbling, which su...


  It is already the 7th competition since the Will-SeeSaw Club started. When one of the head members of the organization gave an inspirational speech about the significance of this game, I was appalled. He said heartwarmingly how he wanted to continue this event throughout time and wanted us to keep on this tradition. A very peculiar emotion touched me to spread this sport to many, many people, the fact that the showdown game is not as widely spread throughout our globe. Knowing how both disabled and abled people are the same once in the showdown room made this sport even more unique and special. Like the other Seesaw competitions, it was such a memorable competition with the supportive teammates I had.